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One Step Secure IT for your modern business environment.

Chat with us to receive a free network security audit and IT system assessment.

Learn more about the unique challenges your business must overcome, best practices to lower the risk of downtime and data breach, and recommendations you can apply immediately to improve the safety, security, and reliability of your technology.  


Secure IT for an Unsecure World.

Who we are?

One Step Secure IT provides proactive managed IT and cyber security services to businesses across the United States. We help our customers secure networks and technologies to perform more efficiently and free from cyber-attacks. Our goal is to allow our customers to focus on their business while we focus on their environment.


What we do?

  • 24/7 monitoring of all servers and workstations for significant issues like brute force attacks, reboot or defragmentation needs, or alerts about critical space declining.
  • Daily backups that include regular testing and restoration checks.
  • Anti-virus AND anti-spyware installation on servers, firewall/routers and workstations.
  • Email education to keep security threats top of mind for your employees.
  • Dark web scans to alert you if any personal information has been compromised.

Why us?

It's a NO-BRAINER! One Step Secure IT is on the job 24/7, whereas an employee is only available 23.8% of that time. We are never sick or on vacation, and you don’t have to pay our insurance or benefits. No W-2 payroll cost or 1099. No bad hire cost. No training and recruiting. No turnover issues or HR nightmares.

Most importantly One Step Secure IT partners with you to consult on your business for today and your goals for tomorrow. We help you plan and budget for growth, changes, and future technologies. We stay on top of the latest innovations and institute industry best practices for your business.


Our Real Clients

Here are just a few of the business professionals we have helped achieve their IT goals.

We are very happy to be working with the One Step Secure IT team. They are reliable, efficient, and address all requests quickly. We haven’t experienced any IT issues for the past two years since beginning of our relationship. Evidence of One Step’s excellent behind-the-scene-work.

Our business is constantly evolving and a high level of communication is needed in order for us to succeed. With One Step’s help, we were able to create much more control and oversight of our systems. We are so glad to have One Step Secure IT as a partner and look forward to their continued support.

We could not be more satisfied with the services provided by the One Step. Incredible support, thorough, and professional. Delays and staffing issues for our business presented an ongoing challenge as we got our new infrastructure up to speed, but they rolled with the punches, were patient, and professionals despite the chaos.